The Nissan Navara Bend Supersprint 2019
Well for those of you who dont get Facebook then what an Event we had.
Thanks To Nissan Navara and ULX110 Oils for there support the weekend was a cracker.
28 starters with V8s, V6, Straight 6, 4Cyl it was all there.
As they say to finish First, First you have to finish and that was the case for Andrew Williams in his heavy hitting Xu1 Torana. Outright winner and a new Torana lap record for the weekend.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Touring Car Cup Outright-Andrew Williams Vic
1st NC Over 3501cc Aldo De Paoli Camaro WA
2nd NC Over 3501cc Chris Stern Mustang Vic
3rd NC Over 3501cc Alan McKelvie Mustang Vic
1st NC Up To 3500cc Andrew Williams Torana Vic
2nd NC Up To 3500cc Tony Gilfuis Capri WA
3rd NC Up To 3500cc Josh Axford Escort SA
1st NB Graeme Woolhouse Mustang WA
2nd NB Evan Gobell EH Holden SA
3rd NB Paul Atkins Cortina SA
To see all the Photos go to the Galleries page and double click on the header photo.
To see the new Lap Records go to the results page, lap records and scroll down past Mallala to The Bend Results.
Thanks once again to Nissan Navara and ULX110 Oils we couldnt have run without you!!!!